James Layton


Chief Scientific Advisor & Head of Product
Product Development

With over three decades of working in the water treatment and filtration industry, James Layton has extensive experience in private and government environmental sectors including major water filter manufacturers, the U.S. EPA, and state environmental regulatory agencies. James has a bachelor’s degree in plant science and a master’s degree in biology.Throughout his career, James Layton has developed a range of innovative water filtration and testing devices, including water softeners, deionization systems, activated carbon filtration units, reverse osmosis technology, and UV disinfection systems. These and other inventions have become industry standards throughout the world for drinking water, aquaculture, and water testing.James has published numerous articles on topics related to drinking water purification, well-water contamination, water testing, and water-related health issues. He assists homeowners with their water quality questions by providing easy to understand answers that provide helpful guidance in solving water quality concerns ranging from lead and other heavy metals, iron problems, hard water, and bacteria contamination in well water. James has his own laboratory for water analysis and product evaluation projects.

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